Tulsa Running Club – Board Meeting – September 19th, 2019

5:30 p.m. – Hakim Room 301 – Tulsa City-County Library



Jenn Overmeyer

John Nobles

Kirk Bailey

Allyson Alexander

Michael Brandhorst

David Walker III

Chris Schnelle

Sam Alexander


Not in attendance:

Leslie Agee

Bobby Bomer

Stormy Phillips

Andy Karlin


·         Meeting called to order at 5:34pm

·         Reviewed August meeting minutes – motion to approve Kurt, second by Michael, all approved

·         Financial Update

o   John and Bobby have not had time to meet with the police to file a report; the goal is to have done by Oct. 1st.

o   We discussed contacting the vendors and Post Oak to let them know that the race is no longer affiliated with TRC, John asked to draft letter.

o   Kirk and Sam met and reviewed the financials. Kirk has made a budget for 2020 and went over with all attendees. 

o   Kirk made a motion to raise membership dues starting on Jan. 1st, 2020 to $35, second by Michael, all approved.

o   Kirk motions to approve the 2020 budget on the caveat that the funds in the “Post Oak Account” are removed from our financial statements, second by John, all approve.

·         Social Committee Update:

o   Next social – Oct. 3rd at Welltown

o   David/Allyson to find places for the Nov. 7th and  Dec. 5th before next meeting

o   Need to be promoting the discount for Cowtown to help attract members.

o   Allyson to draft letter to send to RD to see if they provide discounts for running clubs. Have Little Rock, Bass Pro, and Garmin on list, was told to look at all races in reasonable distance.

o   David’s brother has worked on the website. We discussed using members emails to promote events as not everyone is on social media, need to look into an unsubscribe feature.

·         Race Committee Update:

o   Van Franken will be here soon, need to make sure we have items needed by next board meeting and continue to work on getting donations for giveaways.

o   Chris let us know that the Polar Bear Plunge is being offered to us. The race actually makes a profit. Kirk was going to look into the RRCA insurance before we made a decision.

·         Need to confirm we have a spot at Tulsa Run Expo

·         Allyson still looking into payment processors that cater to Non-profits, will have the information by the next board meeting.

·         Jenn to send banking information out again as we need to log in at least once every 90day or it expires and everyone has let theirs expire.

·         Sam gave Allyson one of the squares, she is to set-up to use on her phone, will also help Kirk get set-up.

·         Everyone needs to find someone that is interested in being on the board and have them come to the next meeting

·         Next board meeting will be Thursday, October 17th, we will have a 30min meeting followed by prospects coming in at 6pm for us to interview

·         Meeting adjourned at 6:44pm