Tulsa Running Club – Board Meeting – May 23th, 2019
5:30p.m. – Hakim Room – Tulsa City-County Library
Jenn Overmeyer
John Nobles
Kirk Bailey
Allyson Alexander
Bobby Bomer
Michael Brandhorst
Andy Karlin
David Walker III
Not in attendance:
Leslie Agee
Stormy Phillips
Sam Alexander
Chris Schnelle
· Meeting called to order at 5:39pm
· After a little discussion about who made motions at the last meeting, Kirk Bailey motioned to approve April meeting minutes, Michael Bradhorst seconded. No one was opposed.
· Post Oak Update:
o John let us know that is was still in progress. John and Johnny had agreed via a phone call to split 50/50. Needed to set a date to meet, which did not happen. Johhny ended up sending a new email with a counter offer. His list had a few more items, plus a onetime $5000 donation from the Post Oak Lodge Challenge the Running Club is to publicly acknowledge. Johnny also mentioned that he has heard that we are talking bad about him and wants the slandering to stop.
o Jenn asked if we could reach out to the Post Oak Challenge board to make sure they are aware of all that is going on. Bobby felt like most of them did, but Johnny may not be running thigs by them.
o Board agreed to let John continue to negotiate to come to a fair resolution.
· Committee Updates:
o David wanted some clarification on the responsibilities of each committee. Kirk found the bylaws.
o Allyson was added to the Social Committee and Finance Committee.
o David talked with the owner of Pearl Beach Brew Pub. The owner had agreed to give $1.00 off all beer to Tulsa Running Club members that he would promote on his social media.
-Kirk suggested that it should be $1.00 off for anyone who shows up for the run/social.
-Board set a date of June 13th at 6:30pm. David is to reach out and see if that date will work for Pearl Beach Brew Pub and if he would give $1.00 off to all who show up for the run/social not just members. If it all works out need to start promoting.
o Board agreed to not reschedule the track social that was missed due to TU track maintenance. Board also agreed to cancel track on May 28th.
o Bobby needs coverage for track on June 11th and June 25th.
-Bobby was going to reach out to someone that has helped in the past. John stated he could do the 6am on June 11th and Kirk offered to help at the 6am on June 25th. The number for security is 918-631-5555
o Andy gave update for finance committee. Kirk and him met on May 22nd. They feel at this time there is no need for an audit. They still need to lay out a plan. They want the finance committee to be more active in the financials. Kirk mentioned they need to come up with policy and procedures. A budget needs to be our top priority. Andy let us know the still need to have meeting with Sam.
-Sam will need to provide a new financial statement that does not show funds that Post Oak Challenge has.
-Sam will need to provide update about the 2011 tax bill.
- Jenn set everyone up to view the bank account online. Most of us missed the email as it was filtered to junk. The link as now expired so she will resend.
-Jenn was unable to remove her credit card from paying bills as Running Clubs is expired. Need to get new card ordered.
- Jenn also removed online bill pay from our account.
o Bobby talked with the race director of the Larry Aduddell 5 mile run and he would be willing to partner with the running club for future races. The race takes place towards the end of May each year.
- Bobby mentioned races on the River Trails or at Mohawk Park are inexpensive to put on. John mentioned making a throwback series, Larry Aduddell, Equalizer, and Mohawk.
· Mapleridge race has agreed to let us have running club banner at race for us volunteering. Board agreed to posting race on our social media.
· Tulsa Tough has asked us to volunteer, board agreed that we could, Jenn is to find out more details and let us know. Allyson said that she was available anytime on June 9th.
· Michael asked if we had found a storage unit. Jenn let us know that was on hold until we find out how much equipment we have so that we know the size that we need.
· Kirk suggested that we have a board retreat to focus on the running clubs mission, race philosophy, what we want to sponsor, and strategic planning. Would like us to devote a few hours to this, has opened his house for hosting. Board come up with either July 13th or 27th. Need to send out to see which date has the least amount of conflicts.
· Meeting adjourned 6:46pm