Tulsa Running Club – Board Meeting – June 27, 2019

5:30p.m. – Hakim Room – Tulsa City-County Library



Jenn Overmeyer

John Nobles

Kirk Bailey

Allyson Alexander

David Walker III

Sam Alexander

Chris Schnelle



Not in attendance:

Stormy Phillips

Bobby Bomer

Michael Brandhorst

Andy Karlin



·         Meeting called to order at 5:37pm

·         Reviewed May meeting minutes – motion to approve Allyson, second by David, all approved

·         Financial update – committee has been unable to meet, will provide update when able

o   We did receive a check from St. Patty’s of $2,241.66. Significantly lower than most years. This does include deducting mug cost.

§  Need to assess how this race agreement is structured i.e. % and RRCA coverage, etc.

o   Sam provided financial statements

o   Sam has not heard back from the IRS yet on the first inquiry and has sent another one.

·         Social committee update:

o   David reached out to American Solera for another social on July 18 at 6pm. Will start promoting on social. Need board participation at the social. i.e. set-up, lead a group, take pictures/video, etc.

o   Jenn created a Tulsa Running Club Strava group.

·         Race committee update:

o   Equalizer:

§  Have agreement and invoice for RiverParks. Just need to sign and process.

§  Need to decide awards

§  Need board support for set-up, etc.

§  Board agreed to provide $5 discount to TRC members.

§  Reach out Tulsa Run to see if they want to advertise - Leslie

§  See if Revved is interested in sponsoring and will promote at their stores and give away three race entries – David

§  See if Recover is interested in sponsoring – John

§  Chris will promote at his upcoming races and will give away 3 race entries

§  Will boost on social - $50 for now

·         Update from John and Post Oak race – no response or update from Johnny at this point. John will reach out again.

o   May need to rent tents, tables, etc for Equalizer until things are sorted.

·         Board retreat – Leslie will send doodle poll for dates and time options

·         Social media strategy discussion – will dig into more at retreat

·         Tuesday Track on Tuesday, July 2 – Bobby needs coverage for 6 p.m. - John will cover.