Tulsa Running Club – Board Meeting – July 25, 2019

5:30p.m. – Hakim Room – Tulsa City-County Library



Jenn Overmeyer

John Nobles

Kirk Bailey

Allyson Alexander

Bobby Bomer

Michael Brandhorst

Chris Schnelle



Not in attendance:

Stormy Phillips

Andy Karlin

David Walker III

Sam Alexander



·         Meeting called to order at 5:41pm

·         Reviewed June meeting minutes – motion to approve Kirk, second by Allyson, all approved

·         Financial update – committee has been unable to meet, will provide update when able

o   Sam sent financial update via email

o   Jenn received response letter from the IRS in the P.O. Box – need to have Sam respond to letter.

o   St. Patty’s race:

§  Need to assess how this race agreement is structured i.e. % and RRCA coverage, etc. – Jenn/Bobby

§  Kirk will review RRCA insurance coverage information, then connect with Jenn to assess next steps with contacting RRCA. – Kirk/Jenn

o   Need to rent tents, tables, two guns, timing clock, water jugs, awards, etc. for Equalizer while Post Oak issue is in discussion. Motion to approve up to $500 for race needs by Kirk, second by Michael, all in favor. – Jenn/Chris

·         Need to ensure all Board members have completed/signed board policies - Jenn

·         At the retreat assess board participation and path forward

·         Update from John and Post Oak race – John just received a call from Johnny today, he will call back and see what next steps can be.

·         Social committee update:

o   Successful event at American Solera on July 18 at 6pm.

o   Next socials on August 15 and September 5. Will reach out to Dead Armadillo for August Social - Allyson

o   Need board participation at the social. i.e. set-up, lead a group, take pictures/video, etc. - ALL



·         Race committee update:

o   Equalizer:

§  Have agreement and invoice for RiverParks. Just need to sign and process. Signed – Chris dropping off to Riverparks

§  Board designated Jenn Overmeyer as race director for 2019 race.

§  Need to decide awards – Jenn/Chris/Michael

§  Need board support for set-up, etc. - ALL

§  Board agreed to provide $5 discount to TRC members.

§  Fayetteville Hero Half offered a discount for their race – Motion for board to reciprocate for the Equalizer, second by Allyson, all approved.

§  Reach out Tulsa Run to see if they want to advertise – Leslie

§  Promote on social pages and with friends, etc. - ALL

§  Social posts for volunteers - Leslie

§  See if Recover is interested in sponsoring – John

§  Promote at his upcoming race and will give away 3 race entries – Chris

§  Volunteer assignments for Equalizer arrive by 6am:

·         Michael and daughter at water stop

·         Allyson will direct traffic

·         Jenn/Leslie will mark course – day of sign ups, sell tshirts

·         Jenn/Chris will do timing

·         Leslie will call Ryan to see if he will MC

·         Jenn will make signage with times and bring banner

·         Bobby will bring other banner

o   VonFranken Family Food Run

§  Preliminary conversations of: equipment that will be needed and is Johnny Spriggs possession.

§  Will create new logo for race going forward and create event on FB – Leslie

§  In preparation board members begin asking for donations for race giveaways. - ALL

·         Board retreat – planned for August 24 after the race.

·         Tuesday Track:

o   Socials every 3rd Tuesday of the month

o   September 17 – Bobby needs coverage for 6am and 6pm – Jenn will cover PM, Kirk will cover AM

o   October 22 – TU may have a men’s soccer game and will need to cancel – Bobby to confirm. Also, this will be the last 6am track session.

·         Tulsa Run

o   Reach out to them about pacers – Leslie

·         Next board meeting will be in conjunction with retreat on August 24.

·         INCOG meeting on August 13 - would be great for board members to attend.

·         Need to consider what new merchandise we need to order for member renewals, promotion, etc. – review at retreat

·         Adjourned