Tulsa Running Club – Board Meeting – August 24, 2019

11:00a.m. – Aaronson Auditorium – Tulsa City-County Library



Jenn Overmeyer

John Nobles

Kirk Bailey

Allyson Alexander

Bobby Bomer

Michael Brandhorst

Chris Schnelle

David Walker III



Not in attendance:

Stormy Phillips

Andy Karlin

Sam Alexander



·         Meeting called to order at 11:24am

·         Reviewed July meeting minutes – motion to approve Allyson, second by Kirk, all approved

·         Financial update – committee has been unable to meet, will provide update when able

o   Sam sent financial update via packets for each board member

o   Currently have $14,000 (roughly) in operating cash flow - missing July and August from ledger.

o   Still missing the roughly $24,000 from the Post Oak issue

o   Update from John and Post Oak race – John sent a new written offer to Johnny. Johnny replied with Trani Matthews (Tulsa Runner) copied that they now do not agree to the previously agreed upon offer.

§  Board agrees that next step is for John and Bobby to sit down with the DA to assess whether we can pursue a criminal case.

o   Received acknowledgement response from IRS to Sam’s letter and we are waiting for follow up.

o   St. Patty’s race:

§  Need to assess how this race agreement is structured i.e. % and RRCA coverage, etc. – Jenn/Bobby

§  Per Kirk we cannot provide the insurance because we do not run the race.

o   In Andy’s absence  - Kirk will take the Finance committee lead for the remainder of the board term

o   Research payment options - Allyson

·         Social committee update:

o   September 5 – next social at Heirloom Family Ales

o   Next socials are October 3, November 7 and December 5.

o   Need board participation at the social. i.e. set-up, lead a group, take pictures/video, etc. - ALL



·         Race committee update:

o   Equalizer – successful race with around 45 participants

§  Will close out balance sheet of funds in the next couple weeks

§  Look at June 20, 2020 for next year - LESLIE

o   VonFranken Family Food Run

§  Assess what equipment will be needed for the run:

·         Need at least 6 tents

·         12 tables

·         Confirm electricity and water with RiverParks – LESLIE

·         Generator in case

·         Griddles – BOBBY/CHRIS

·         Extension cords

§  Course map - LESLIE

§  Securing volunteers – ALL

§  Tatur will donate PA system for event - CHRIS

§  Reach out to Salvation Army and Sapulpa Furry Friends for donations - JENN

§  Reach out to Dan Threlkeld to announce – JOHN

§  Reach out to Revved for promo support – DAVID

§  Coffee containers/requests – MICHAEL and LESLIE

§  Pancake supplies – CHRIS

§  Photographer – Melissa Brandhorst

§  In preparation board members begin asking for donations for race giveaways. - ALL

·         Tuesday Track:

o   Socials every 3rd Tuesday of the month

o   Create waiver/sign in form for track AM and PM – LESLIE

o   Begin having everyone sign in going forward - BOBBY

o   September 17 – Bobby needs coverage for 6am and 6pm – Jenn will cover PM, Kirk will cover AM

o   October 8 – TU may have a men’s soccer game and will need to cancel – Bobby to confirm.

o   October 22 – last 6am session of the year

·         Tulsa Run

o   Pacers are all set

o   Print splits for each pacer

o   Find out about spot at Expo - LESLIE

o   Need help before race to organize pacers - ALL

·         Next board meeting will be Thursday, September 19

·         Need to consider what new merchandise we need to order for member renewals, promotion, etc. – LESLIE

·         Adjourned AT 12:36pm